WanderCouch – A festival experience from the comfort of your living room

WanderCouch combines professional and user-generated content and lets users immersively experience real-world events such as music festivals from the comfort of their living room. WanderCouch primarily revolves around live conditions, whereas UGC contributions can be consumed in an on-demand fashion, professional recordings of concerts can only be watched in real-time.

In developing WanderCouch ICoSOLE followed a user-centered methodology to understand the expectiations prospective users have of a (Smart TV) application for immersively participating in real-world events from a distance.

An informal study was conducted to evaluate the WanderCouch approach and to investigate whether it can improve on the types of experiences afforded by traditional TV broadcasts (e.g. in terms of level of immersion). It was found that WanderCouch has a positive impact on immersion and level of engagement with a music festival and its featured concerts, and that it succeeds in conveying a veracious impression of the festival’s on-site atmosphere.